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Friday, September 16, 2011

Essay on Counseling and Nicotine Replacement Therapies for Pregnant Mothers

Are you looking for essay on pregnant smokers?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that 13 per cent of pregnant women smoked in 2005.  This is a serious smoking problem considering that exposure to nicotine and carbon dioxide has adverse health effects on the unborn child.

Various strategies have been proposed in an effort to help pregnant smokers quit smoking.  One of these strategies is counseling.  However, the study published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology revealed that counseling had little effect in encouraging pregnant mothers to quit smoking.  This means that pregnant mothers still continued their smoking effects despite the intervention of counseling.  

While counseling is not being abandoned, other approaches are now being studied.  For example, Dr. Nancy A. Rigotti from the Tobacco Research and Treatment Center at Massachusetts General Hospital says that use of nicotine replacement therapies has lesser risks compared to exposing the unborn child to nicotine and carbon dioxide.

 However, pregnant mothers should take these medications with great caution.  Considering that these medications are relatively new its harmful effects may not be known for now but a few years down the road its effects may be revealed.  In fact, in 2009 the FDA required Pfizer to indicate on the labels of these medications that it has potential side effects for depression, suicidal thoughts, and even increased risk for heart problems.

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Essay on Smoking - Impact of Scary Labels and Taxes on Smoking Habits

Are you looking for a persuasive essay on smoking or ideas related to smoking?

A good idea is whether the labels on cigarette packs informing the public about the dangers of smoking and its side effects have an impact on smoking habits.  Another good idea is whether the huge taxes making the prices of cigarettes very expensive have an impact on the people’s smoking habits.

The government has long been crazy about taxes as a solution to deter smokers from smoking.  Nationally, the average per-pack state excise tax on cigarettes is $1.46 which is in addition to the federal tax of $1.01.  These taxes are being added on top of the cost of the cigarettes as a solution to make the smokers think twice about smoking.  

“Raising the price of tobacco has proven to be one of the most effective strategies for preventing and controlling tobacco use," says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which supports this government initiative.  

The government also mandates that the manufacturers of cigarettes imprint labels about the dangers of smoking so the public will become aware of its side effects.  There is also a warning that cigarette smoking is dangerous to a person’s health.  

However, the reality is that smokers still continue to buy cigarettes despite the huge amount they have to pay.  Smokers still smoke despite the scary warnings and labels they see on their pack of cigarettes.  In fact, the CDC said that approximately 46.6 million adults smoke cigarettes.

The inescapable conclusion is that the scary labels and huge taxes do not have in impact on smoking habits. The huge prices and the scary labels do not matter.  In fact, these labels are being ignored by smokers.  If you will think about it the public is being educated about the dangers of smoking for many decades.  I do not think there is any person in the world who does not know that smoking is harmful to his health.  Consequently, these labels will not provide additional information to the smokers about the dangers of smoking.  

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Essay on Impact of Quit Smoking Programs - Reduction in New Lung Cancer Rates

Are you looking for facts about smoking or essay on smoking? Every day there are new studies about smoking being published in newspapers.  We monitor these studies and try to summarize them for your reading convenience.   

Recently, there is a positive trend in the efforts to educate the public about the dangers of smoking.  The recent news suggests that the quit smoking programs are having an impact on the awareness of the public about the side effects of smoking.  

A positive trend in the western states is the national decline in the rate of new lung cancer cases.  This is important because smoking is the direct cause for lung cancer.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the lung cancer rates for women decreased by about 2% from 2006 to 2008.  Previous statistics showed that lung cancer once overtook breast cancer to become the No. 1 cancer for women.  

While female lung cancer rates did not go down on all states the significant decline in six states which are California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Texas and Florida was sufficient to affect the national rate.   
The new lung cancer rate for males also fell in 35 states.

Experts say that the decline in the new lung cancer rates can be attributed to the health policies being implemented in some states which impose higher taxes on cigarettes, more comprehensive smoking bans and well-funded prevention programs.

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Essay on Reasons to Quit Smoking - Smokers Are Not Good Lovers

Are you looking for facts about smoking or smoking side effects or reasons to quit smoking?

Recent studies show that smoking may have an effect on a smokers’ sexual health.  The study which was published in the British Journal of Urology International was conducted by Christopher Harte and Cindy Meston.  They found tat men who successfully stopped smoking improved on lab measurements of sexual health compared to those who relapsed after a quit-smoking program.

Previous studies already suggest that long-term smokers are twice as likely to have impotence compared to non-smokers.  This is because smoking can slow down blood vessel dilation which is essential to “light up.”  
However, there were no studies about the benefits of quitting smoking on a person’s sexual health.  The present study highlights the importance of quitting smoking.  The participants in the study were shown a racy film and in the process their sexual response were measured. They also filled up surveys about their sexual functions outside of the laboratory.

The study found that those who quit smoking had greater increase in penile growth compared to those who did not quit smoking.  

This is a free Essay on Reasons to Quit Smoking. We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written essay on side effects of smoking at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.

Essay on Smoke-Free Campus - Students Encouraged to Stop Smoking

Are you looking for ideas on your essay on smoking?

A good idea on essay on smoking can be the efforts among students and faculty members to encourage smokers to stop smoking inside the campus.  Nowadays, more students and faculty members are taking the initiative to encourage smokers to quit.

The stop smoking program campaign started in early 2000.  According to Ty Patterson, the former vice president of Student Affairs at the Ozarks Technical Community in Springfield, Missouri, they were the first college who started the smoke-free campus in 2003.  As of 2010, 120 campuses have been added to the smoke-free list.  As of July 2011, more than 500 college campuses have joined the smoke-free campus spree.

Smokers who are caught smoking inside the campus are politely asked to dispose of the cigarette and given information about the harmful effects of smoking on their health. They are also properly advised on the resources available inside the campus that can help them quit smoking.

Different colleges have different policies on how to approach violation of the no-smoking policy.  In some campuses first violation will merit a warning while a second violation will merit a $15 fine or two hours spent picking up tobacco litter.  The next violations will result in probation or the student will be asked to leave school.

The smoke-free campus is a trend in many campuses nowadays.  It is a sign that smoking has become socially unacceptable.  It is also a sign of awareness among students, faculty members and school administrators about the dangers of smoking and that something can be done to help protect the students against the dangers of smoking.  

This is a free Essay on Smoke-Free Campus. We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written Essay on Smoke-Free Campus and other essays on smoking at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mothers Smoking During Pregnancy Should be subjected to Criminal Liability

Pregnant women are expected to take extra care of their health during the period of their pregnancy. They are expected to eat the right kind of food and sleep well. They are also expected to abstain from alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. All these precautions are done based on the premise that eating the right kind of food and sleeping well are good for the baby. Vices are also avoided based on the premise that they are bad for the health of the baby.

I support the proposal that pregnant women who continue to smoke during the stage of pregnancy should be subject to criminal action on the ground that it is considered fetal abuse and it is necessary for the government to take the initiative by protecting the unborn child from harm. Smoking is harmful for the mother’s health and the health of the other individuals who inhale the smoke coming from the tobacco. This includes the unborn child. Tobacco products are known to be carcinogens which are responsible for thousands of deaths each year, including the deaths of many people who have never smoked a cigarette in their lives.

I support the proposal that pregnant women who continue to smoke during the stage of pregnancy should be subject to criminal liability because it is necessary to put smoking in the same level as drug use or alcohol abuse during the stage of pregnancy. It is a crime to take drugs or alcohol during pregnancy because it is dangerous for the unborn child’s health. These acts are punishable criminally because the law seeks to protect the unborn child. Smoking during pregnancy also has harmful effects. Smoking during pregnancy also constitutes an act of fetal abuse against the unborn child who deserves to be treated better by their pregnant mother.

Pregnant women who smoke during the stage of pregnancy are threat to the health of the future generations of children who could be born deformed or suffering from any mental or cognitive defect because of their mother’s irresponsible action. Unless something is done about it many children will be born with deformity or mental defects.

Autonomy is not sufficient justification to abuse an unborn child since unborn children have fetal rights which are also protected by law. While it is true that we live in a democratic society where our freedoms and rights are respected, it is also true that no right is absolute. A person’s assertion of his right is valid only to the extent that he does not injure the rights of others. Science has proven that smoking is harmful to the health of the unborn children. Civil law also protects the right of the unborn child from conception until its birth. Thus, autonomy and freedom are not sufficient excuse to allow a mother to continue smoking during pregnancy. If the law prohibits abortion because they violate the fetal rights of the unborn child, then we should also protect the rights of unborn children from their mother who neglect the health of their baby by continuing to smoke during pregnancy.

An unborn child has as much right as anybody else. They are also entitled to our protection. Right now, they need our help. It is time for us to protect them before it becomes too late.

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Essay on Smoking and its Side Effects

Smoking can be both a blessing and a curse. There are many effects that smoking can lead to and some may prove beneficial to some and for some a big problem. One of the contributing factors in the economy of the United States is the tobacco industry. For years cigarette companies have been generating income and thus more tax for the government.  However we must put in mind if smoking is a solution or a threat.

Yes there are many benefits that you can gain from smoking but knowing these benefits will also help you to quit. The first and most craved effect of smoking is its ability to relieve stress. Many smokers cling to smoking cigarettes for it effect of dealing with anxiety, depression and the its best effect of relieving stress. Knowing this will help for there are other ways in which you can relieve stress and cope with anxiety without having to smoke. Taking deep breaths and purchasing a stress ball are alternative ways in which you can relieve your stress rather than smoking. Lighting a scented candle that has lavender scent will also help relieve your stress due to its soothing fragrance and also listening to your favorite music will also help and better yet take some time off your work and go some place relaxing.

Smoking cigarette rich in nicotine is an alternative depression and anxiety medication. Nicotine has a chemical that mildly and temporarily blocks the feeling of depression and anxiety. After inhaling smoke from your cigarette, the chemical react with your brain within seconds and makes your brain feels better.  It’s a fact that 35% of smokers have anxiety or depression problems and for them cigarette smoking is a self medication for such problems. There are also alternative ways I which you can relieve yourself from depression and anxiety without having to smoke. You can try expressing yourself in other ways like participating in painting class, creative workshops like drama class and other forms will sure to help you not to dwell on the depressing thought but freshens your mind.

Smoking might be relieving to some but actually the negative effect is much higher.  There are many ways that you can do to stop yourself from smoking you just have to know your reasons and the motivation to quit. We must bear in mind that smoking is not a relief from stress, anxiety or depression but a slow ticket to death.

This is a free Essay on Smoking and its Side Effects. We are the leading provider of essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written Essay on Smoking and its Side Effects and other essays on smoking at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.

Essay on Benefits of Smoking

In school students are taught about the dangers of smoking. Students are indoctrinated about the dangers of nicotine addiction and that smokers can acquire lung cancer or die from any other lung diseases. Students are also taught to stay away from cigarette smoking. Needless to say, cigarette smoking is very dangerous and in fact more dangerous than drugs or alcohol.

However, despite the risks individuals tend to ignore these warnings and continue with their bad habits. This is not because these individuals are intentionally committing suicide or they seek to deliberately harm themselves. This is because cigarette smoking benefits them in many ways that they cannot get rid of this habit. One of the immediate benefits of cigarette smoking is that it helps relieves tension and stress. It helps calm the nerves and relax the muscle of the individual. Aside from these benefits, studies have shown that smoking can also be beneficial to one’s health. Among the other benefits of smoking is that smokers do not have the tendency to become obese since it is an appetite suppressant.

Recent studies show that it can help reduce the occurrence of some conditions like endometrial cancer, ulcerative colitis, breast cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, atopic disorders such as allergic asthma. In a study conducted by Evan L. Thacker and his colleagues from Harvard School of Public Health they have found that it is possible that there are neuprotective chemicals present in tobacoo leaves. The study found that former smokers who engaged in cigarette smoking for long period of time have lower risk of Parkinson’s disease. They also estimated that “A 30 percent to 60 percent decreased risk of Parkinson's disease was apparent for smoking as early as 15 to 24 years before symptom onset, but not for smoking 25 or more years before onset” (Megan Rauscher, 2007).

Other studies say that cigarette smoking has an impact in reducing the risk of skin cancer. According to the study conducted by Dr. James Goedert it is possible that smoking interferes with the cascade of molecular events that create inflammatory responses which lead to cancer. This does not mean that individuals who are not smokers should start smoking. This also does not say that individuals who are attempting to quit smoking should continue smoking. This only says that with controlled use smoking can have medical benefits to smokers.

This is a free Essay on Benefits of Smoking. We are the leading provider of essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written Essay on Benefits of Smoking and other essays on smoking at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.

Essay on Harmful Effects of Smoking During Pregnancy

Pregnancy puts a woman’s health at risk because of the many hormonal and physical changes that happens in her body. On the other hand, smoking puts a person at risk for severe medical and surgical conditions. Now, smoking during pregnancy – how many risks does that entail? And at the top of that, it is not only the woman’s health that is in danger, but also her baby’s life.

Smoking is associated to many congenital or birth defects and detrimental outcomes in newborn babies. Complications such as prematurely born babies, babies who are mature at age of gestation but comes out to be too small, and worst, babies who are dead before they were even born. Physicians even say that a mother with predisposed diseases such as hypertension or diabetes has a higher chance of giving birth to a healthy baby than a mother who has no serious illness at all, but is a smoker. This is because illnesses can be controlled by medicine and other procedures; but with smoking, there is nothing a doctor could do but strongly advise the mother to quit her habit. If she refuses, nothing can be done to protect the baby.

But why is smoking considered so harmful especially in pregnant women? It is known that cigarettes contain a substantial number of toxic chemicals – a number that can reach to more than four thousand. These chemicals include nicotine, carbon monoxide, lead, cyanide, and many other compounds which are considered carcinogenic, or cancer-causing. If these dangerous chemicals enter a pregnant woman’s body, it is absorbed in her bloodstream – her baby’s sole supplier of nutrition and oxygen. Carbon monoxide and nicotine is also proven to impede the baby’s oxygen supply by narrowing the woman’s blood vessels and, naturally because she is pregnant, those vessels include her baby’s umbilical cord. This lessens the amount of oxygen that reaches the baby. With decreased oxygen, the baby’s growth and development is altered greatly. Chances are, the baby will be born prematurely and underweight, or worst, dead.

These are some of the dangerous effects of smoking to the mother especially to her unborn child. When a pregnant woman never tries to end this habit, she can’t blame anyone for whatever may happen to her baby. Her body is her responsibility, and so is her child.

This is a free Essay on Harmful Effects of Smoking During Pregnancy. We are the leading provider of essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written Essay on Harmful Effects of Smoking During Pregnancy and other essays on smoking at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.

Informative Essay on Nicotine Addiction

There is a general perception that smoking is a matter of personal choice and habit. This means that smokers get into the habit of smoking because they choose to do so and that they enjoy smoking. This also means that smoking is something that they have been accustomed to doing. However, if this is true then why is it that despite our knowledge about the dangers of smoking many people still die from smoking. Why is it that smoking is still the most preventable form of morbidity and mortality in the United States? Why is it that despite the knowledge that more than 400,000 individuals die each year from smoking-related deaths, many individuals continue to smoke? Is it really just a matter of personal choice and habit?

In order to alter a person’s smoking behavior and to encourage people to stop smoking it is necessary to understand why this behavior takes place in the first place. One of the many studies found that there are other reasons aside from personal choice and habit that cause an individual to continue to smoke despite its dangerous effects. It was only in the past couple of decades that the role of nicotine addiction in an individual’s smoking behavior has been analyzed. The studies have showed that nicotine is addictive and that nicotine addiction is one of the reasons why smokers continue to smoke.

These studies have found that nicotine addiction or dependence have both positive and negative reinforcement processes. Use of nicotine is positive because smokers find nicotine very pleasurable and relaxing. At the same time, the withdrawal of nicotine is difficult because of the withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking cessation. In fact, some of the most common withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking cessation are anxiety, irritability, depressed mood, insomnia and decreased heart rate.

Nicotine addiction or dependence is also shown by a high rate of failure among individuals who attempt to quit smoking. According to studies, as much as 75-80% of individuals who make an attempt to quit smoking fail. These studies also show that there is an increased risk for individuals who have attempted to quit smoking to fall into a relapse and crave for more nicotine. In fact, in some cases, the relapse is worse than the original nicotine addiction.

The studies also show that unlike the addiction to drugs like marijuana, heroin and cocaine, addiction to nicotine is more restrained. Marijuana, heroin or cocaine users will acknowledge that they feel a certain degree of “high” when they use these kinds of drugs. There is also a general awareness that drugs can be very addictive. In contrast, nobody would say that they feel ecstasy whenever they smoke. Nobody will also acknowledge that smoking can be addictive but rather they believe it only as a lifestyle choice. However, these smokers will agree that quitting nicotine is as difficult as quitting the use of drugs. Thus, smoking can be as addictive and dangerous as marijuana, heroin and cocaine.

This is a free informative essay on Nicotine Addiction. We are the leading provider of essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written informative essay on nicotine addiction and other essays on smoking at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.

Informative Essay on Second Hand Smoking

Just because you do not smoke those hot cigarette butts does not necessarily mean that you are safe from the harmful effects of it. Your dad sips some sticks at a time, your friends puff out some imported cigars, you walk along the road and pass through people of different sizes, sipping and puffing that cloudy white smoke right into your innocent face. Now who says you’re safe?

Inhaling smoke produced by those seemingly devil-may-care individuals is termed as second hand smoking or passive smoking; so technically, it means smoking without actually having any contact with the cigarette itself. The smoke that can be exhaled can be side stream, or those produced by the burning end of the cigar; or mainstream, the ones exhaled by the smoker himself. So whether you are puffing or not, when you are exposed, you inhale as much of those harmful chemicals like those smokers do.

And what do these chemicals do? Well, they can give you cancer. The smoke produced by the cigarette contains cancer causing agents, also known as carcinogens. The more you inhale side stream smoke, the more you are prone to have cancer, especially those affecting the respiratory system. There is also an increase in the risk for breast cancer, and fetal abnormalities of unborn children in gestating women. Breathing problems are also a common effect, caused by the discomforts in the chest, disruption in proper lung functions, severe mucus production in the mucosal linings of the respiratory system, and coughing. These, among many others, are some of the most harmful effects of second hand smoke.

Although smokers claim that their habit helps them relieve their tension and provide a soothing effect, it is always important that they remember the devastating effects of their irresponsibility. If these people do not have the slightest care for their own health, they should at least care for those of others. Non-smokers should also be vigilant for their health by reminding those not-so-careful smokers of the effects of their carelessness, especially if they are friends, family, relatives, or even mere acquaintances and strangers if the need arises. Let us all be responsible individuals; not only to ourselves, but also to the welfare of others.

This is a free informative essay on Second Hand Smoking.  We are the leading provider of essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom. If you need help we will write well researched informative essays on second hand smoking at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page